It is never too early to start planning for tomorrow. Your gift, no matter small or big, can leave a lasting impact on our community’s health and enable our patients to live with joy and dignity.

Why leave a legacy with HNF?

  • HNF is the largest and most established home healthcare charity in Singapore. We deliver comprehensive nursing, medical, therapy, and personal care to meet our patients’ needs in the comfort of their homes island-wide.
  • HNF is a proud recipient of the Charity Transparency Awards 2022 which is awarded to charity organisations that have displayed exemplary disclosure practices aligned with the Charity Transparency Framework.
  • 100% of your gifts will go towards your designated causes and will be managed in compliance with corporate governance and charity guidelines.
  • With increased life expectancy coupled with smaller family units, we are facing an ageing population and this demographic shift has profound implications on our community healthcare needs. Just from 2020 to 2021, we observed a 17% increase in our home care patients. The need to keep our population healthy in the community is stronger than ever.

It’s a wonderful way to acknowledge the care given to you or a loved one at HNF.


Support an area closest to your heart:

Home Care Fund

Close to 90% of our home care patients face challenges in covering the medical cost and treatment even after exhausting all possible financial assistance aids.

You will enable frail and vulnerable homebound patients and families to access quality medical care and medical treatment. This helps to relieve their financial burdens and allows them to focus on their recovery.

Sunshine Fund

Your gift will go towards underprivileged patients who have fallen through the cracks. These are patients who have exhausted all means of financial assistance and are in dire need of help.

The Sunshine Fund aids patients through the provision of basic necessities or through fulfilling a wished-for item that they may not be able to afford otherwise. These include mobility aids/ devices, consumables, in-home personal care and patient transportation after being discharged from the hospital.

Like a ray of sunshine, your gift will bring light to our patients when they need it most. 


Healthy Community Fund

Most seniors prefer to continue living in the community, independently or with some help, rather than going to a nursing home.

At our Centres, community nurses offer a range of nursing services such as wound care, management of feeding tubes, urinary catheters, stoma care, medication management, and monitoring of chronic diseases.

The Healthy Community Fund will help sustain our operations and activities in senior care centres and active ageing care hub. Together, we can enable our seniors to age well in their communities.


Wound Care Fund

One in 20 Singaporeans is afflicted with chronic wound conditions such as diabetic foot ulcers, pressure injuries, and arterial and venous ulcers. Each year, HNF provides care for 1,852 wound care patients which translates to approximately 13,674 medical visits.

However, not everyone can afford long-term nursing care costs. The cost of long-term care presents a significant financial burden for many families, especially for patients with chronic or long-term conditions that require regular treatment and medical consumables.

Your gift will help to protect their quality of life by alleviating the cost of home nursing wound care visits and medical consumables for our underprivileged patients.


How can I give?


1. Bequest Your Will

After your family’s needs are taken care of, you can leave a legacy and improve the lives of future generations. Include Home Nursing Foundation in your nomination by setting aside a specific sum of money, property, or other assets.

I give, devise, and bequeath to Home Nursing Foundation (UEN: S76SS0044D), a charity duly incorporated under the laws of the Republic of Singapore, [the sum of $_____] or [_% of my estate] or [description of property or asset] to be used for its general charitable purposes.¹

¹Please note that the language provided above is meant to serve as a general guide and should not be considered legal, accounting, or professional advice. The will is a legally binding document and it is recommended that you seek independent legal advice before drafting or executing it.


2. CPF Nominations

You may consider nominating Home Nursing Foundation as the beneficiary for your CPF savings by completing the CPF Nomination Form. Please complete the following information under Section 2 of the form.



3. Insurance Policies

You may include Home Nursing Foundation as a beneficiary of your insurance policies.



Name of Nominee: Home Nursing Foundation

UEN: S76SS0044D

Address: 490 Lorong 6 Toa Payoh, HDB Hub #05-10, Singapore 310490



Speak to us to find out how your gift can empower the lives of tomorrow.

     Ms Loi San San

     Head, Communications and Development

     Email: fundraising@hnf.org.sg